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Tertill Weeding Robot
A Tertill Weeding Robot under some plants in a garden

Intended for home garden use, this solar-powered Tertill Weeding Robot doesn't pull weeds; instead, it prevents them from growing all season long. The 12-inch-diameter device has a solar panel on top and four special "scrubbing" wheels plus a string trimmer underneath. With the push of a button, the robot travels back and forth through the garden. As it does, anything tall enough to touch its body is assumed to be a plant and is left alone. Anything passing under it is assumed to be a weed and gets buried by the scrubbing wheels or cut down by the string trimmer. (Requirements: garden size maximum is 200 square feet per robot and plants and rows must be spaced a foot apart.)

Estimated Cost Cost range: See below

Limitations Limitations Addressed by Product: Lower extremity, Upper extremity, Strength/endurance, Back, Visual

SourceTertill Corporation
85 Rangeway Road, Building 1
North Billerica, MA, 01862
Est. Cost$150
Last updated: Mar 03, 2025

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