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Prosthetic Heating System

A prosthetic device's fiberglass or metal components are prone to become cold; in turn, that can produce pain and discomfort experienced in the remaining area where the device is located (e.g., hand, upper limb, lower limb, even nerve- or circulatory-related). Simple Abilities' Prosthetic Heating System, which involves the placing of customized liners over, under, or between layers of the prosthetic device, reportedly delivers comforting heat for up to 12 hours or more. Additionally, depending on the environment plus the client needs and activities, the company can provide a range of custom outer accessories to further act as insulators.

Estimated Cost Cost range: See below

Limitations Limitations Addressed by Product: Lower extremity, Upper extremity

SourceSimple Abilities Inc. "Prosthetic Heating System"
186 - 8120 No. 2 Road
Suite #710
Richmond, BC, V7C 5J8
Last updated: Jan 09, 2025

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