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Personal Air Quality Monitor
Pic of ATMOTube PRO on left - a small black hand-held rectangular box with airholes & silver metal clasp for hanging by a chain. On rt - cell phone with colored indicators of humidity & air quality

A Personal Air Quality Monitor is a handheld or wearable battery-powered unit that tracks, measures, records, and transmits surrounding atmospheric condition data to one's electronic device (e.g., smartphone, computer). It warns workers with respiratory impairments if they are entering a dangerous environment for their lungs. The user can then, in real time, read the results (even be audio-alerted) and take protective action, if warranted. Among the pollutants that the monitor detects are carbon and nitrogen oxides, vehicle-exhaust emissions, dust, pollen, soot, mold, and a wide range of volatile organic compounds (primarily in gaseous form). It also measures atmospheric pressure, temperature, and humidity.

Estimated Cost Cost range: $200-$250

Limitations Limitations Addressed by Product: Respiratory

SourceAtmotech, Incorporated (Atmotube PRO)
100 Pine Street
San Francisco, CA, 94111

SourceElitech Technology, Incorporated (Temtop M2000)
2528 Qume Drive, Ste. 2
San Jose, CA, 95131

SourceSpecto Technology, LLC (Aeroqual S500)
1061 East Elizabeth Avenue
Linden, NJ, 07036
Submitted by: Aaron Yoder, Nebraska AgrAbility

Last updated: Feb 10, 2025

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