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One-Handed Garden Tool Handle
Diagram showing creation of One-Handed Garden Tool Handle from household items
Diagram showing attachment of One-Handed Garden Tool Handle to tool

Doreen Greenstein's book, Easy Things to Make Things Easy, describes/shows a One-Handed Garden Tool Handle, constructed using a 2-liter plastic soda bottle and a hose clamp. To make the hand grip, cut 5 inches off the handle end, screw the hose clamp to the cut end of the 5-inch piece, then tighten the clamp onto the handle at the appropriate location for a handhold. To make the handle's arm saddle, cut a band of plastic from the soda bottle, and screw it onto the top of the remaining tool handle. Another way to accomplish the same thing is to fasten the end of a forearm crutch onto the end of a shortened tool handle.

Estimated Cost Cost range: See below

Limitations Limitations Addressed by Product: Back, Strength/endurance

SourceBrookline Publishers ("Easy Things to Make Things Easy")
8 Trumbull Road #B1
Northampton, MA, 01060
Est. Cost$16 (to purchase book)
Last updated: Feb 06, 2025

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