Steve Etheridge
The Vocational Rehabilitation Consultant will serve as a resource for AgrAbility staff members who need guidance with VR-related issues. He will also help to coordinate at least one webinar annually that address VR issues and help ensure that VR topics are addressed during the National Training Workshop.
Steve Etheridge is a certified rehabilitation counselor (CRC) with master’s degree in vocational rehabilitation from the University of Wisconsin-Stout. He worked for 40 years in employment and training with the last 20+ years as a vocational rehabilitation counselor for the state of Indiana. Steve managed a general case load in rural northeast Indiana with a specialty in traumatic brain injury (TBI) and served on the Indiana VR Commission and the VR TBI Advisory Board in advisory capacities. For more than 10 years, he has been an advisory team member for the Breaking New Ground/Indiana AgrAbility Project.