I am a disabled veteran and want to know, is there any funding available to help with farm equipment and expenses required for me to continue farming?
- Look at other FAQs on this Web site about funding for different farm expenses.
- Contact the Veterans Administration and ask about their Vocational Rehabilitation services. By phone (800-827-1000) or go to www.va.gov and click "Benefits," then "Vocational Rehabilitation."
- You may also qualify for services through the civilian Vocational Rehabilitation Department of your state and also qualify for assistance from other civilian programs. See the FAQ "Funding for Farm Equipment and Production Inputs" on this Web site for their contact information.
* Note: most vocational rehabilitation agencies do not provide continuing support to sustain a business. Their funding is intended for needed accommodations, training, and occasionally for starting a business for self employment so that a person with a disability can return to work or seek alternative employment.