What impact does the National AgrAbility Project have on the state and regional AgrAbility projects?
Working on the assumption that there will never be adequate resources from any one initiative to address the needs of AgrAbility customers, a major objective of the NAP is encouraging the SRAPs to expand services to their clientele through collaboration with other organizations having comparable missions. This would include the leveraging of resources, partnering with other disability organizations on service delivery initiatives, and increased utilization of currently available federal and state rehabilitation resources, such as vocational rehabilitation funding. If, at the end of the current funding cycle, there has been demonstrated success toward integrating the unique services provided by the SRAPs into the larger rehabilitation community with significant acceptance by rehabilitation professionals, the efforts of the NAP will have been beneficial in achieving long term benefits.
In addition, there are significant resources being invested by the NAP to enhance the level of professional competencies of all personnel associated with providing AgrAbility services. This includes continuous professional development opportunities, access to evidence-based resources, and expanding networking between SRAPs.